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American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pamona, California

Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, Arizona

Burchfield-Penny Art Museum, Buffalo, New York

Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Canton Museum of Art, Canton, Ohio

Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Castellani Art Gallery, Niagara Falls, New York

City of Kanzawa, Kanazawa, Japan

Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, Sedalia, Missouri

Everson Museum, Syracuse, New York

Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa

Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Canada

Georgia Museum of Art, Athens, Georgia

Hetjens Museum, Dusseldorf, Germany

Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii

Huntington Museum, Huntington, West Virginia

Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois

International Museum of Ceramics, Faenza, Italy

Keramion, Frechen, Germany

Krone Museum, Idyllwild, California

Long Beach Art Musuem, Long Beach, California

MacNider Museum, Mason City, Iowa

Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York

Morris Museum, Morris, New Jersey

Musee Ariana, Geneva, Switzerland

Museum of Applied Arts, Helsinki, Finland

Museum of Arts and Sciences, Macon, Georgia

Museum of Arts and Design, New York City

Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Modern Art, Kogeikan, Tokyo, Japan

Museum of Terra Cotta, Petroio, Italy

Museum Prinsessehof, Leeuwarden, Netherlands

New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, New Jersey

Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey

Ohi Museum, Kanazawa, Japan

Racine Art Museum, Racine, Wisconsin

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo, Texas

Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred, New York

Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American Art, Washington , D.C.

Suntory Museum, Tokyo, Japan

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei

The Palace of Culture, Warsaw, Poland

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England



American Embassy, Tokyo
City of Kanazawa, City Hall, Kanazawa, Japan
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
State Art Collection, Dublin, Ireland
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Walnut Creek Civic Arts Center, Walnut Creek, California



Astra, Stockholm, Sweden
Bantam, Doubleday, Dell, New York
Blue Cross of Western New York, Buffalo, New York
Ceramics Monthly Magazine, Columbus, Ohio
Children’s Hospital, Buffalo, New York
Chubb Insurance Group, Warren, New Jersey
Ciminelli Construction, Buffalo, New York
Delta Airlines, DFW Airport, Dallas, Texas
Fleet/Norstar Bank, Buffalo, New York
Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, Missouri
Harlequin Books, Buffalo, New York
Hotel Nikko, Chicago, Illinois
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, New York
Loeb & Loeb, New York City
National Bank and Trust, Chicago, Illinois
National Cash Register, Rockefeller Center, New York, New York
Russer Foods, Buffalo, New York
XL Screw Corporation, Wheeling, Illinois


All artworks by Neil Tetkowski. Published by Tetkowski Studio in New York City. All rights reserved © 2022.

Photo Credits: Linda Gellman, Donald Lokuta, and Bruce White. Web Design: Ricardo Fonseca.

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